Welcome to Makauri School
Haere mai ki te kura o Makauri!
Ko te Pepeha o Makauri
Tena koutou katoa
Ko Waipuna toku maunga
Ko Mangamoteo te awa
Ko Horouta me Takitimu nga waka
Ko Tarere te Marae
Ko Te Whanau a iwi te hapu
Ko Te Aitanga a Mahaki te iwi
Ko Makauri te kura
No reira tena koutou katoa
Tihei Mauri Ora!
Welcome to Makauri School. Our School is situated on the outskirts of Tairawhiti (Gisborne), 10 minutes from the city centre. The School began as a single classroom in 1886 and is one of the oldest schools in the Gisborne region.
Makauri School today has 145 students and enjoys the best of being a rural school, close to town and the facilities Gisborne has to offer. The school has the puriri tree as its logo. A puriri tree, planted in the earliest days of the school in the 1800s, stands at the front of the school.
I am Cambell McNaught, the Principal of Makauri School. I am honoured to have been entrusted as the leader of such a wonderful place where we work in partnership with the community to develop our students so we can build learning pathways to be the best we can be!
Ngā mihi nui
Cambell McNaught
Makauri Facebook Page
We put a lot of updates and reminders about our kura on our Makauri School Facebook Page. Give us a like if you wish to see information from our school on your feed.